presidential primaries in kentucky and arkannas.the -3 presumptive repuulicann - nominee now headssto washington d-c.he will join & senator arco rubiootoday to address a gathering of pispanii small-business owners -3 at the latino coaaiiion could prooide a chance for romnee to find outthhw voters & feel about rubio as a possible vice presidential chhice. 33a verrict coull ome today... in the joon edwardsscorruution trral.the former preeidential paadidate is expected to learn his ate... from a nooth caroliia jury.the jury will have to decide whetherredwards violaaee ampaign financee laws... by unnelinggmoney to during hii campaign ffrrthe &p2008 democratii nomination.if -3 convicteddon all counts... he faces ppto 30 years in jaii. 3 an airline passsnger who claimed tt haae an exxlooive device surgicalll implanned - pnside her sent fghter jets &pscrrabling tuesday. tueeday.two f-15 ffghter jetss escorted the u-s airways ppaaee 3 lanned safell.neaaly 2-hundred - people weee on the fllght from - you can imaaine the whole 3 ((they called for a doctor, ccme up aad thhn the docttr -3 plane. thee sse ca