. >> my name's tyler healey, dr. kelton might recognize my name. >> weren't you in the fourth row, third seat? >> isn't it true that federal taxes do not pay for federal spending? this question is for dr. kelton. [laughter] >> short answer. >> yes. [laughter] >> yes, sir. >> oh, okay. um, quick question. what about the kind of extranational economy? when we talk about raising revenues by taxing the rich more and everybody -- i mean, kind of the standard cynical response is that the rich will avoid paying taxes, and, um, you know, we know that people offshore money, and and also i've been reading lately about how the u.s. is also a haven for offshoring money from other, other countries. how much is that a problem in the our current situation, and how can we prevent it from being a problem in the future? >> bruce? >> well, the main problem is with corporations. pulte national corporations -- multi-national corporations which are able to arrange their affairs in such a way that they don't appear to realize any profits a