what are yr conclusions about american healtcare? out health care in america >> about th coverage of it? well, the covere of it really, coradictory answers. there has been a lot of superficial coverage, the kd of he said, she said coverag, of who the nationalities -- of to the persolities are, an issue that issubstantive and like healtcare. paradocally, some ofhe best coverage have seen some in these newspaps, that we say are dinosaur "the washingtopost," "the new york times," have often comes done a brilant job of putting intoontext the fferent aspectsof health care, whether it is the role of the insurance company, the docrs, etc., how they match, thatype of thing has been donin ways that i think arodd-inspirinby some of the writers and "e washington pt" and "the new york times." >> the reason why we condt that type of coverage is becse newspapers canee this issue ming along, and they assign tes ofeporters whommersed themselves in an issue, as opposed to getting the he said, see said-she said, that th things. that only a large well-