works properly, we must secure our nation's borders, and we must ensure our laws allow us to process, heaold, and remove tho who unlawfully enter. the right to vote is paramount. one of the foundations of our nation is our enduring commitment to the peaceful transition of power through elections. if confirmed i will ensure that the full might of our resources are brought to bear against foreign persons who unlawfully interfere in our elections. fostering confidence in the outcome of elections also means ensuring that the right to vote is fully protected as well as ensuring the integrity of elections. let me conclude by making the point. that over the long run the course of justice in this country has more to do with the character of the department of justice as an enduring institution than with the tenure of any particular attorney general. above all else, if confirmed, i will work diligently to protect the professionalism and integrity of the department as an institution, and i will strive to leave it and the nation a stronger and better place. thank you very much for your time today, and i