hear from the department of energy, dr. collins from the national institutes of health, well-known to so many of us, dr. cordova, our new head of the national science foundation, a small agency, but one that has really been so much a power house and was actually initiated under the eisenhower a ministration. and we're again in our country defense plays an important role in developing not only weapons of war, but also weapons against disease and other innovative things, to relieve the creation of the internet. we look forward to hearing what your views are, and we will be taking -- our colleagues will then participate. the way i would like to suggest it is rather than long winded, fancy introductions let's get right to you. why don't we start and then just work down. >> well, thank you. chairman, ranking member, members of the committee, it's a pleasure to be discussed with you the importance of federal investments and research development and innovation for our nation's future. president obama continues to place high priority on science, technology, and innovation. his 2015 budget proposes a balanced portfolio of r&d investments to meet the full range of nati