these horrible shootings and not just in sandy hook, in san francisco, character, and miami and heartford, bridge port, and new haven and as recently as yesterday in new york. many americans accept that this is just the way that things are. there is some defender of the status quo who tell us that these massacres are just a price of liberty. but we are determined to break this vicious cycle of tragedy in action and indifference on focusing on school safety as well as our family and community. >> and that is what is so exciting about today. today, does mark the three-month anniversary of the tragedy at sandy hook elementary. but today also marks the beginning of an important new chapter in the fight against gun violence. but we certainly would like to see action in our government, to address gun violence, we can't just leave it to the politicians. legislation will offer some help of solutions but washington can't solve it all. we the people we have an obligation to look in wards to reflect on what we can do, what we want, what we need. how we want to be treated. and how we want to treat ot