council of europe which is responsible for the human rights in your piece in europe as a whole mr heartly you just described russian government as a traditional dictatorship or at least the leader of lattimer putin does that mean that at the time has come now for germany to ditch the north stay until pipeline with russia considering that description that you just gave. i think we have to think about what we as european union as a whole can do to increase pressure on russia to make sure that nobody's treatment comes to an end he. asked for immediate release of the 2nd question is what other right steps to do that if we have a discussion on wall street when germany i'm not in favor of that project but i think that this project by the way is up to today also necronomicon failure and we don't need to this pipeline to make sure that europe has enough gas in the future and therefore i would would be a joke of history if now germany or other european states might. start that project and maybe paid potentially have to pay compensation to the company said i engaged in this project which is economi