ihey, s getloome ioks,r heath ise wh.tles (v bo)efen hulltea hywehtiga , lideoucis, locaw-rilomee yalr oug dollwi velo. wi hoth wmelesoe, ricl reaic chken, cu t! isthwa is o y to.much i stjuan wtot al ttok om w enabt ou dmyisecn io uto pseseoi . i'vead hou fkir .ds la esdiwh, peo aesli letthe wthn leyghau ? uhh,-uh- uh.hu u yoe?se itswg chinoito phese malps ifke lsie ea er. trollthhat g!in t gein3 p 1teroioct n fodrr s,ynesfo com rt,d an codorolontr. unand pliked erio,pads e pois sthin phapesad vehahi tfln texhnecogol y. e seiz pyour moisetomen p at.coise om. esthe e arsmy dogdust d y an.cooperi forwork d theogs entytwou-fsever n. ami he b tleutr. th e esgs sdod heke clizyra. it l'sike being inside of a snow gle.ob it takes an awful lot of ttimeep to keouhe hanse cle.i t kndon'haow wo.t to d (d eloorbl) th iis as niceasy nd e.boys it y reall tsticks.o it fitinits ll a t the spaightces. isthre is lyal. great hadoes t ft lookiar amilouto y? >> en> whck chuz' crurls gindfrie s waermurdheed, i wasiammedtely a ngstroso per in ofesntert. >> or rep tter:sahey haid tu t yo we ctre aneing s,rvo