it's also to brin in a hole nch of younghealthy people who riht now don't have heath surance. they're known the invincibles, generally in their 20's. gerally 1/3 ofthe population are nvincibles. if y bring them in, that brings down some of the osts. i dn't want to givethe impression it's going to be free. it's going to cost a gd bit of money to cover million peop. terms of spreading the rik around, thatshouldhelp. gw: and a half at allyi want to follow on o tha and a different part of thecost equation from joe in azona and kathy in ssouri wrote -- what about e supply side what does the preident's plan do to icrease the number of nurses and prima care physicians? well, he has actually taled quite a bit abt that and any plan has to provide moey to help train professiona. we haven't focused on it a lot because it isn't a ot button issues,ill i be covered and how ishis going to be paid for? there is a reasonab amount of agreent on it but there has to money for training of nurse and certain kd of physicians. 's something the president has said h doesn't want to see n any inal packa