heather, a doc see, you know, this, this clamped down on, on the, on the expansion of, of gay rights and, and abortion rights. and in many ways it's taking expression that's very familiar within the united states. so to me, you basically brought trump to power. this kind of conspiracy is um, this kind of cultural politics heavy a middle day in argentina says we have to fight the culture war every day. there is in the trenches going after the teachers going after abortion rights going after, you know, passing laws that limit, you know, the place severe restrictions on, on, on, on, on transgender people expressing themselves and transitioning. so there's, there's co true or politics within latin america that, that is very familiar to the united states and, and trump has the potential to kind of build on that. but at the same time though, he, by doing things like saying he's going to take back the panama canal by force that he's gonna rename. and you know, the, the gulf of the gulf of mexico, the gulf of america that he's going to seize greenland. it awakens a certain kind of anti imper