they allege it was heather frank who killed scott sessions, and then troy bonnell who killed heather iss frank killed mr. sessions and mr. eastman helped in the aftermath. >> eastman claims the motive for the attack on sessions would be revenge. >> the defense team would like you to believe that scott raped heather, heather was so mad about the rape that scott wouldn't leave her alone, that she lured him to her apartment so she could kill him and kevin may or may not have helped her to dispose of the body. >> ms. frank planned for mr. sessions to come to her residence that evening. ms. frank initiated mr. sessions to hurry up and come over. >> who was it that wrapped mr. sessions head in duct tape before his body was burned, and dna on that duct tape was ms. frank's. >> although there is no evidence a rape occurred. >> this defense strategy comes from an unlikely source, the investigators who interviewed eastman. >> she's saying that this guy raped her. >> if he actually did or just that she's saying it? >> i think -- i mean, it's like splitting hairs. i mean, how does that make you f