heather hayes: okay. todd, can you briefly describe your experience, your family's experience with the low account balance for those who are listening this morning who may not have read your column in the gazette? todd dorman: yeah. we have a fami linn-mar. we have a middle school student and a high school student, and at linn-mar middle school students are allowed to go $15 over their account, so they do get some leeway. high school students aren't. what happened at the end of september is my wife had budgeted for the month. the middle schooler had gone over budget. she had gotten an email notice saying that the account was negative. on. she's a working mother. she's got lots of things to do. i should probably help out more. it was one of the things that just fell by the wayside. she didn't re- charge the account, so on the following monday when my daughter went to get lunch, she went with her tray of lunch, she went to pay for it. it was a negative balance, and at linn-mar what happens then is the stude