you reinforce this idea of scarcity, that any gain for you is a loss for me heather mckee talks about that in the sum of us . weston talks about it in dying of whiteness. so critical race theory and whites call it conservative race theory. it's the stand-in for anyone who acknowledges this is real. but it's the perfect stand in in a way to cover that. so you have a word critical. a lot of people here that as meaning criticism and that sounds bad. within academia, critical thinking means thinking deeply with nuance and with education. and then you have the word theory. that sounds like some radical crockpot thing. if it's just a theory that it's not true or established and it's such a perfect little meme to dismiss the conversation. and it's been very effective. there's a part of me that doesn't want to talk about it because it will reinforce the legitimacy of his crt right or wrong? maybe clear, true critical race theory comes out of legal scholarship. like kendall crenshaw's work and derek bell so i'm not a critical race theorist. but of course it's been applied, supremacist. that ra