chris carey, usf teacher and heather murdoch. >> i'm chris carey. high schoolteacher at 6 through 12 school, small public school with 400 students. just give you a background at our school. we're about 69% free and reduced lunch. 80% african-american lan tino students . when we talk about high-need schools and achievement gaps, those are the students myself minute colleagues serve. the budget cuts, i'm faith year teacher. been drastic over my five years. and we've seen loss of teachers every single year. i wanted to give three examples of what those mean and restoration of funds such as you have been talking about, supervisor mar, can mean for our school and other schools in the district. first is drastic cuts to programming. schools at international relations focus school so above and beyond the three years of social science requirements, we require five including an international relations class and an ethnics study class that gets students to think about their lives outside of their city block and outside of the city. this year we were thinking a