heather stancil, earlham resident: "if our school was bursting at the seams and we were kicking butt in education, i would not be here at all." payments for the football stadium won't be done for another three years. but school officials say with low interest rates and potentially higher constructions costs, the school should act now. michael wright, superintendent: "our mission and vision is to provide the very best that we can for our kids." that would begin with transitioning away from the gym built in 19-57. basketball players say it's hard to a place to sit at games...or to operate along the sidelines. canyon hopkins, earlham senior: "you always have that thought in the back of your mind, ah, i better be careful because if i for this game, but i might have a really bad injury." city leaders believe the addition to the athletic program would be a boom all around. jeff lillie, earlham mayor: "that's a big part of our infrastructure, as streets and everything else that the city provides. without a strong school, the town would not be what it is." still, the questions linger over wh