. >> >> good morning, my name is heather valante i have been an attorney in the city since 1995 and as a solo practitioner for over ten years now and so, i think that we are talking about not just a blow to the law here, but a blow to civil society, just like the gentleman just said. take away education and you destroy a culture. my question is, you know, what will those people do who don't have the means to access the books, if we fail to provide them the law that they need to get to. so that they can prepare to go to court. so, it is already difficult for them to access justice. and if the city fails to provide what they need. then i think that it would be a terrible blow to us. these books are cost prohibtive to me, to own and maintain, i would not be able to maintain my practice without in law library. and i ask you to provide not just adequately for light braer, but to provide all of the books that we need. thank you. >> good morning, my name is john ogrady and i have been a regular user of the law library for more than 25 years. i have or i have given educational workshops on how