heather wagenhals has written the book yes you can and is skyping with us this morning. thanks for coming on the show. > >thanks for having me. > >so what are the traits of millionaires? > >the first and foremost is that millionaires are consistent. and they do the same thing over and over where we can tend to fall off here and there. we hit the snooze bar when we say we want to be up at 5 or 6. we whack it just one more time hoping that we'll get that extra edge for the day when we're actually eroding our day because we're not being consistent with what we committed to do. > >consistency is important. what else? > >one of the things that they do is that they are always on time. they are punctual. or they arrive late or leave early because they know that the opportunities to network with other individuals that are motivated will be just like them and will be available at those times before and after events. another thing that millionaires like to do is they focus on their strengths. they know the difference betwen busy work and productive work and they focus on their tal