but they found scraps of paper with heber writing on the ground -- hebrew writing on the ground which led them to these books and a seller filled with books. the photo on the left is a photograph of one of those cellars. how to reserve and rescue these books was an unanticipated problem assigned to them ottomans men. some of the books were easily identified and could be -- assigned to the monuments men. some could be easily identified and were returned to their owner. the issue of restitution was that it was to the country and not the individual. however, many billions were unidentifiable, their owners were dead, their whereabouts were unknown. initially they were stored in this library, the rothschild , arary, collecting point relatively small place, about 2 million were crossed into this space. the monuments men were so overwhelmed with the amount of work to do that they gave the task of handling them to an ,merican civilian, glen goodman whose story i was fortunate to learn in an unpublished memoir. goodman had been a student and teacher in germany. he married there and did not lea