[car horns] hector: [speaking spanish] ashlee: so, hector pino figured out how to make water from air hector made a fortune as an engineer, but now works full-time on his freshwater system. what propelled you to think up this project? hector: [speaking spanish] ashlee: do you use this machine at home? hector: yes. ashlee: ok. and your daughter uses this every day? hector: complete my family. ♪ hector: [speaking spanish] ashlee: hector sees the technology having uses far beyond his family. his freshwater machine feeds off humidity in the air and pulls in water particles through a vent, and then basically forms a rain cloud inside the machine. a series of filters purifies the water, collect it, then pristine h2o flows out of the faucet. ♪ ashlee: so, i can drink it? hector: yeah. it's no problem. ashlee: muy delicioso. right now, one magic water machine costs about $1600, but he wants to shrink the price and its size to something the size of a backpack. as he perfects the design, he has installed his machines in chile's dry north. hector: [speaking spanish] ashlee: hector distilled the