hehastoevacuatewiththe re stofhiscity,andanentirecitymore t han8230,000resident twitter@hehastoevacuatewiththere beentoldtoleave. itisnoteasyallgas. gas stations have run out. police are taking gas requests to those san francisco on the highway and the hospital evacuated. there is only one road out of the town and the flames jumped the road. it superintendent people into a panic. they are thinking airlifting people with medical condition out of the area. it started on sunday and has destroyed homes but no one has been seriously hurt. we will keep watching this fire which is showing no sign of back down. in the newsroom for abc7 news. >> that is scary stuff. thank you. we have a warning for students and parents in albany. a group of machine trying to lure a girl into the consider and this happened on marin avenue around 9:00 on monday night. the girl said four men asked in she needed a ride and she escaped. she said the men were college age and drove a large blue or black car. right now that is all the description we have. police are looking into similar incidents which happened in near cities. >>> small group o