plus the battle for the last boss and next season's blunders leader underdogs heiden i'm challenge favorites vetter berman and i were thrillingly close until the very last 2nd. and told me a lot of well it's good to have you with us we begin with the man whose music was the real star in countless movies a composer whose work helped define an era of cinema and you'll morricone a has died at the age of 91 the oscar winning composer was best known for his scores of the tally and spaghetti western thongs including the good the bad and the ugly a friend says he died in the hospital from complications after a fall. it's one of the most iconic movie soundtracks ever ennio morricone school for the 966 film the good the bad and the ugly. over korea spending decades the composer found success we've he's unique style and approach. now this can you will think. i don't describe images with my music. when there's an important movie it's key that the music says what isn't said and what you cannot see. him it could have been. born in 1928 morricone started out as a trumpet player after training at a prestig