members so we're prepared for emergencies >> thank you francis are there questions i know that heidi anderson from the school district would like to say something. >> heidi and hi, i'm heidi the public relation manager during the school day we're going in charge of over 56 thousand kids. when the earthquake happened on sunday our superintendant called the executive team we're going to have a drill i have a meeting he said in the earthquakes don't look at the calendar we're going to have one and do a review so we're going to get ourselves in shape. thank you heidi i think your frooef jingling has an announcement thank you to the folks in light of the events it keeps us coordinated and it was an early morning but we were well-informed and coordinated. also to allude to the directive that mayor ed lee sent out we talked about the disaster workers we're all involved i took the time when we brought 40 new workers to remind them of the importance since we'll be buses 80 i didn't to make sure we have things in order at home on sunday i and my 3 boys we went through the disaster pack and the food was