heidi hammel: we are seeingevidence of chemistry that we had hypothesized.hey're like laboratory textbook examples of chemistry of ethane and methane and acetylene and all this interesting dynamical stuff in the atmosphere of uranus. and that is very interesting because that's new chemistry that we hadn't thought about. >> still, heidi hammel will confess to being wowed by a great image. miles o'brien: this is not processed at all. judy schmidt: and then you i believe this has how many? miles o'brien: how many filters? three. and is it always three? judy schmidt: this is only this picture. i only had two >> in modesto, california i sat down with someone who helps make the visual magic happen. judy schmidt describes herself as a celestial artist. miles o'brien: how many, how many images would you say you have processed over the years? judy schmidt: oh, god. give or take hundreds. hundreds. >> she's a stay-at-home mom with a background in graphic design. 15 over the years, she's made a color-correcting astronomy images in her home office - posting her work on