david lee metzler and heidi lynn childs were apparently shot to death.ound is about 15 miles from the tech campus. >> out to dr. marty mckerry. assuming the cause of death is by shooting, i'm hoping against hope this was a quick and painless death. what can you tell us? >> they'll be looking at particulates of gunpowder at the actual entry site. they'll be looking for the trajectory. they'll be looking at autopsy for any bruising. and they'll be able to tell whether or not there was a struggle. i suspect there will have not have been any type of struggle. >> back to mike brooks. mike, what's your analysis? >> you know, nancy, right now with no good evidence that we're hearing about, i'm sure maybe the sergeant knows a little bit more, but i don't blame him for not saying anything. but right now it's just what we're doing right now. getting it out into the public's view because a lot of times, nancy, as you know, a lot of times people think -- you know, don't believe they see anything, but they really do. >> sergeant childs, how is your family tonight? >>