. >> heidi wagner is not like most people. after years of working as a veterinary technician she had seen enough suffering and death. >> seeing animals that are being put to sleep, the neglect, she wanted do something. >>reporter: so she did. she started boxer butts and other mutts, boxer, because that shelters. and butts, but she will help save any dog in need, no matter the breed, like laney the little blind dog or oh nix found lying in a ditch starving to death. >> she was basically a dead dog when she came to us. they gave her a 1% chance of >> or dediela, a dog who hadn't been fed many merchandise. heidi made sure she got the love and medical care she needed but they couldn't savee her. >> every day she gets up it makes her want to fight that much harder. >> sometimes the feign, i think i can't do this anymore. >> and she does. when the donations are done, she makes up for herself and reaches out to others who share her passion. >> there was two things that really struck a cord with me, was how heidi pulls the unwanted, a