we will call the women he and heim and men she and her. we could not do that. actually, in the 1970's, we did that when we try to get rid of male pronouns generically. 40 years later, some of us are having difficulty with that, and that is the kind of difficulty. these are things so ingrained, so automatically established that erratic eating them is no simple task, perhaps impossible. we are only going to be passed this when our culture has changed enough so that they are not acquired the way they are required now. tavis: we could have done the same thing we did tonight for race, we could have done the gender tests, but we did not, because i wanted to give people a eighth opportunity of how it works. you can take the test. but now folks understand how the system is set up and how the test works, tell me what you have learned from these tests? >> the interesting thing, the gender results are also a bit disturbing. we found that there is a very strong will recall stereotypes association that associates men with career and work, women with family and home, and it