shortly thereafter at about 12, he walked, heimore, where he encountered quite accidentally the very helpful captain childs who took him on as a cabin boy. >> henson stayed on with childs for almost ten years, becoming a sailor in his late teens. the cap captain was a mentor to the young henson, teaching him mathematics, reading and other things he had only just begun to learn about in school and life. >> captain childs protected him and prepared would encounter muf that in his life, and in fact, he stayed in the united states at the time. >> at 21, henson returned to washington, d.c. from his travels around the world but he didn't stay long. he soon met robert perry, ship officer and took off again. perry was impressed and offered him a spot on his north pole expedition where he proved indispensable. >> his skills were primarily of what we would say now as an engineer, a practical person who could make things, solve problems, figure things out. >> henson could just about do it all. the carpentry to build their hudson sled, handle the logistics of setting up and moving camp. photogra