players like heineken globally are extremely well-placed.ut there's no rest bite for oil companies are commodity players. -- no respite for oil companies. they are very significant in terms of sentiment and they have a significant knock on to capital expenditure and the whole of industrial cycle. francine: what is your smartest play for 2016? james: not to be adventurous. to recognize that equities are way too cheap relative to cash and bonds. safety first. francine: thank you so much he stays with us and we will talk more about the oil majors and i will ask about dividends. up next, the oil rout . by bhp billiton is writing down five billion dollars of its u.s. onshore assets. ♪ francine: welcome back. we are getting breaking news from jean-claude juncker saying he's basically talking about fact thatequest, the david cameron has been trying to renegotiate ahead of the vote on the referendum on vrex -- on brexit. saying all u.k. requests are difficult was. cameron will try to negotiate open borders. saying that "are's are crucial for the cen