. >> on the run and wanted by the fugitive, 27 year-old heineken ellis. a guy with the wrong rap sheet. and it is those weapons which but ellis on the fugitive hunters listed this time, wanted for questioning and the north chicago mortar that began with an arsonist. >> and that altercation and there was a an exchange of gunfire. and one person was killed. we want to speak to him. amigos by the street name of the deed and could be anywhere from southeastern wisconsin between milwaukee and connection to the north suburbs of chicago even rockford northwest indiana. he served time for pedaling hard drugs. and he served time up in wisconsin for disarming a police officer appeared >> and his most recent mug shot he was clean shaven but can now have facial hair like this. at 5 ft. 9 heat and blend into a crowd but may stand out now with his three tattoos one on his upper right arm another on his blogger right arm into this one across his upper back. the cops say he may be staying with one of several girlfriends and being protected by his ever shrinking circle of