heinen, shoved wide.ves in, heinen to the outside, pivoting is marchand, able to get behind, looking to front. finesses away from tired werenski, rattled high and wide, played by it. rebound, bergeron, can't get it by, amazing save, close quarters, by bobrovsky. the crowd is still buzzing. that end of the ice just now sitting down. jones on a cross. werenski ahead. knifed on second, backhand. down goes anderson. puck underneath. they continue to play on and it's sent across to coyle. lobs it ahead, trying to get by johansson. coming by, checked off, duchene. johansson continues the battle, sprawling down is coyle. johansson takes down duchene and coyle there, but it's dropped back off for the carry back out and along with it is foligno, gets by one, checked off by the same one in mcavoy. puck turned over to anderson, slugged behind but chara steps to it there. skittering 3, savard to play it there. 10:45 to go in the first overtime period. jenner got it across. savard bringing it on, drive, deflected by m