, i do n’t want to compare anyone with anyone, but i can’t help but recall the words spoken by heinrich gimm. based on an inferior race with drops of ours blood is incapable of maintaining order and self-government. this is not high quality human material. today we are also unable to maintain order, just as we germans, the only ones in the world, were not able to 700 or 800 years ago. who is good with animals. we will treat these human animals decently, but it would be a crime before our own blood for them to inspire them. whatever your ideals are monstrous words. but you put instead of the word slavs, chechens, buryats, kalmyks. it 's very similar, and then the question arises. and this is the position taken by the vatican in that same 1943 in relation to german fascism, what the vatican did against nazism, being in the center of a fascist country at that time, and so on. yes? formally, as it were, but neutrality was observed, and it was real sincere or facade. now, if you look at this photo, this photo somehow made us a little interested in this issue. and here's what we found if you've he