to provide him with maximum assistance, she was directly subordinate to the gestapo chief heinrich muller muller namesake giller. there were organized courses courses for sd officers of ss officers who were involved in the implementation of these actions of this action 1.005. and where about 10 disciplines were taught, which consisted in how to equip places of residence. how to recruit a suicide squad or a work team, which was then liquidated? how to carry out ignition? how to arrange storage of the place where exhumations were carried out? one of the main conditions in the operation to cover up the traces of massacres for the nazi leadership was secrecy, according to himmler's order, filming and photography were prohibited by a directive signed by henry the head of the main directorate imperial security allowed the recording of the process, but with the reservation permission for photography and filming can only be issued by superiors, and incest from sonder teams, as well as ss company commanders, such materials belonged to the secrets of the reich negatives and were required to transfer in pl