heirson. -- harrison. commissioner harrison: i look at this almost as a privatization of public spaces. we witnessed where people in the mission dolores park were upset about us putting vendors in their park for the parks department to generate money. under this situation, the park department will have to pay something like $32,000 we don't have. these neighbors are going to be taxed, which in my mind is a parcel tax. we're told we can't put out a parcel tax because the voters won't take it. how will these people look at this, when they're asking to give $100 or whatever it is per year for 10 years or however long it's supposed to last. secondly, or thirdly, or lastly, or whatever, there's a whole other bureaucracy out here that's going to charge us $743 -- $743,000. and two administrators that are going to cost us $160,000. this money should come to us, we can do this. so i have a real problem with that. president buell: let me weigh in and disagree with the distinguished vice chairman. it's a parcel tax