helen aguirre ferre: i would also like to say really quickly that this is about national security. when we talk about 9/11 and where we are today, we are talking about issues of great national concerns, and we're acknowledging that we have approximately 11 million people who live in the shadows to say the least. and we say in the shadows because we don't have proper documentation or organized documentation but we all know who they are. they go to school with our kids. sometimes they are neighbors and we are more familiar with who they are than not, but in other communities that may not be the case because here we are very open to immigration. south florida is an exception to the rule to a great degree, but from a perspective on national security why would you not want to have a better sense of who is here, why you are here, what are you doing in a healthy sense? i don't want that big brother type of government. i don't want a government that also is going to be knocking on doors and asking for papers, et cetera. many people are here because of governments like that. that's not what