united states and think through with the friends groups how we're going to deal with that and helen dillard playground there is annual maintenance set aside and they have a donor fund for dealing with the replacement of the custom parts and working towards the overall deferred maintenance and we're pursuing something similar at the civic center playground as well so we learned real lessons. sand -- we don't put sand in new play structures in the way it was once used and creates eroding and maintenance for the staff so we have lessons learned that we are incorporating with more renovations that i think will overall lengthen the durablity of the asset and for the staff to provide maintenance. it's a great question and i can develop a more detailed answer. >> yeah, if you could do that and a certain when we were looking at first tiers and squeezing in 13 of them i am thinking would we be squeezing so many parks in are we doing the job that we need to do to really ensure more permanentacy in terms of the parks. >> it's good feedback. >> yeah, i would be -- i would error more -- i would error on