. >> item number nine, at the helen diller playground. >> good morning, again. the next item is discussion and possible action to amend the construction contract to bauman landscape construction for the helen diller playground project in the amount of $372,977. in april 2011, the commission approved the construction contract to bauman landscape construction. it is approximately about 70% complete. we have approved about $200,000 to date. some of these changes relate to additional investigation to address unforeseen conditions on the site, to capture some of the water runoff on the project so that foundation work can proceed. the contract amount increase is still within the the overall project budget. we're asking that you approve this amount. i would be happy to answer any questions you may have. commissioner buell: any questions? >> any public comment? being none, public comment is closed. commissioner bonilla: yes, i would like a little clarity here. i am a a little confused. it says that in consideration of the gift that is being provided by the friends of bi