helen edmonton her groundbreaking sty, the negro infusion, policsn north carolina, descbeames young as being easily the most outstanding negro in the state. james young was born slave on october 26th, 1858n raleigh north carona his father and owner s pt in the young, and his life a a career soldier greatly influence young's desire to participate inilary service. young's fathema sure that his son s properly educated, and helps to get to sunday job once he graduad om charred university. young worked as an teal revenue correct collector became heavily involved with the republanarty in north carolina. by the 1890s, young became focus ecation and the plight of african amics. young strongly believed in racial upftand ran stories and wrote editorials il writing for the raleigh gazette. providing a polic voice for the black community in north carolina. young story and life or importance, not only because he played an important role in north carolina's politics, but because he was an organizer and driving force behind the third north carolina bellagio victory. in 1898, similar to what john mitchell junior, editor of the richmond planted did in his campaign for the six virginia, volunteer infantry, young