helen is echoing tonight. >> i'm thinking i'm so thankful someone up there must be looking out for me. >> surae chin, 9news now. >> prince georges county, the red cross opened a shelter to help residents knocked out of their homes. scott broom reports from river dale park where not one, but two multistory apartment buildings in the 5300 block of riverdale road had roofs torn off. what some residents insist was a tornado. >> it was a tornado. >> seven story park tanglewood tower. cars destroyed by fallen sections of roof torn from two apartment buildings. >> people were outside and they said the wind was swirling around. >> a miracle no one was killed. >> we have to stay here. today, hundreds from two apartment buildings sweated in the hot sun. kids in steaming cars, the power out everywhere. others wandering with belongings. >> it's starting to get hot. you have a carload of kids, what's the plan? >> hotel. >> last night we -- >> the red cross came to the rescue, opening a shelter noter northwest high school. electricity, rest, and worry. >> we have to stay here a couple days now. i have to go to work on monday, so does she. >> this is pretty m