taft. -- like of helen the life of helen taft. later, a conversation with supreme court justice ginsburg. >> helen taft was more ambitious about getting to the white house that her husband william howard taft and was willing to get personally involved with politics to get him elected. illness toe a series directly manage the white house, invited top classical musicians to perform their, and supported causes that matter to her. she also has one of the most visible legacies of all of the first ladies. trees thatcherry bring tens of thousands of visitors to washington every year. good evening and welcome to first ladies. the life of helen taft. her husband served in the white house. here to tell us about her life is her buyer for -- biographer lewis gould. you open the book by making the case that of the 20th century first ladies, she is the most of your that you say she deserves better from history. --my why she deserves better tell me why she deserves better. >> and she did things that were very constructive. the cherry trees, brin