moreover, doctors say we should not test for heleobacter and treat people who do not have symptoms.low hygiene, that is, ordinary hygiene protects, moreover, it mainly in people, it is very small, when which animals have it , sheep have it, sheep’s milk contains it, by the way, interestingly, cats get sick, it is believed that they become infected from people, but when kissing it is transferred or not transferred , most likely not, although heleobacter pylori is found even on dental plaque, however, it is believed that... in order for you to become infected, you must live with this person for a long time, breathe, eat, exchange dishes, because this is observed in families, in families, who are many children, by the way, children in africa very often become infected through water, which is reservoirs, and so on and so on, that is, the route of infection is like an ordinary routine food infection, only this is not a food infection, i say again, there are nine sick people to one healthy one you will say sick, because you are not like us, i don’t really imagine from the very beginning o