that means either helga or strothers. i certainly appreciate your confidence. or both. we better split forces. i'll watch strothers, you keep an eye on helga. any change? nothing, she's been looking out the window, that's all. what about strothers? he hasn't moved. well, unless one of them makes a move in the next 10 minutes, beldon's theory is... hold it. you may start the car. we will drive north ononilhelmstrasse. stay on wilhelmstrasse until i tell you where to turn. here's wilhelmstrasse. they must be headed for zone 2. we know definitely that there's a thrush ring operating out of zone 2. that's where she's trying to pass the information. or here at kromschadt or here or here or anywhere along the oder-spree river. then we willll leapfrog ahead of them and be in a position to cut them off. illya? we're on the merenstrasse. we just passed the aganplaz. we have your p pition. we've already moved ahead of you. we're on the fredrick wilhelm bridge. we h he roadblocks at brandenburg and kromschadt. confirmed. turn right at the next corner and then keep straight until yo