you are spending all day smoking and eating badly, you can't be surprised when your sperm is also hellat. time to get to that egg. ha ha ha ha ha oh wait, i'm cramping, i'm cramping. oh boy, this is further than i thought. i just-- do we have to go to the egg now? we have to do that right now? cuz this is shall-- oh boy, oh, i'm not, i don't think i'm going to make-- oh, man, you know what, i'm just going to call an uber. i just think i-- yeah. >> surge pricing. and finally, this is the time of year for spring cleaning. you know when you take out all of your old trk shirts, decide not to throw any of them away and put them all back slightly folded. but if you find stuff going through your house that you really don't want any more, please think carefully before giving it away. >> we all know that saying one man's trash is another man's treasure. well sometimes st is just trash. this morning good will is urging people to reconsider what we're donating. it turns out good will is getting a lot of stuff it can't use like broken furniture and leakey batteries and that's herting the nonprofit