just in case i need to round up criminal illegals and take a moment then democrats then helmer i approve of town halls bad singing and this message are both trying to drill their respective messages into the political conscience of the american electorate it's getting less. grill. and very confusing what are actually the topics the political agenda which make voters interested and going to the polls coming november sixth according to our experts panel the political topics voters really care about in the midterms are well i think the biggest issue that's at forefront right now is health care the top issues in this election are the economy health care immigration trade and guns the economy health care trade and then local issues the economy it's booming sure peak for the republicans trying to get voters to cast the ballots for them the message don't vote democrats you lose your job and pay more taxes or as the president puts it democrats produce republicans produce jobs however republicans have just now started something like an economy perhaps a template in the campaign the economy and he