in general, the frmer chancellor of germany, helmut hl, on the 50th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz, said auschwitz is the darkest chapter inerman history. it is en for me, for one tt was living in auschwitz, living -- living in auschwitz. existing in auschwitz. it's impossible to describe. even if you'll give me the rest of the evening. of what a death camp -- you must remember, auschwitz was not only a concentrion camp. it was a death camp. auschwitz was one of six death camps in poland. wherehen i was there in 1944 whatas called the busiest time, 10,000 people -- please. 10 -- we're talkingabout 10,000 human beings were being gassed, cremated, in auschwitz every day. transports were arriving from all over europe. men, women, children, babies. the ones like myself that were pied out from my traport to place for slave labor for work, some were thinking and talking out oud, not knowing who is better off, their relatives, their friends who were snt this morning from their transport to the gas chambers, or those the ones that were picked to live in the camp. that's what the