on that motion, do >> director heminger: aye. >> director hinze: aye. the minutes are approved 7-0. places you on item number 5, communications. next item. item 6, introduction of new or unfinished business by board members. >> i understand this is not new business, but i would like to let the board know i was in berlin on a democracy fellowship and moderate feelings of jealousy as their public transportation system. it was amazing taking their below and above ground tram. it was really eye opening. they've opened up a bunch of new stations in the last few years. i sent an e-mail internally how the wi-fi was. the purpose of the trip was not transit-related, but i was able to experience their transit system and learned a lot about it. i'm going to bring that experience back to the bay. >> did you learn how to restore democracy in the united states? >> i'm working on it. >> any directors with unfinished business >> i do, chair. i just want, first of all, it was nice -- hope you had a good vacation and productive. new business, i wanted to bring up was sort of increases in people aroun