director heminger. >> director heminger: thank you. may be just to continue the theme if i could on prop a. i think we're really not touching on couple of major implications. look, the loss of the measure is regrettable. with the measure like this, you wish you lost by 10 points instead of one and a half. either way, we lost. that was capital money. capital money is actually easier to find than operating subsidy. that operating subsidy is what is going to be really stressed as we exit the pandemic and don't really know how many people are going to show up at work, like they used to. we have to deal with the fact that the federal money that we've been relying on is now drying up. in my opinion, it's always nice to find some capital money where we can. we've got a deferred maintenance backlog. we'll find something to spend that money on. but the gap between our expenses and operating support, i think is much more worrisome. the measure that we have coming at us now is the sales tax, which is also two thirds vote. at least so far, the t.a