director chen chen i director heminger heminger i director henderson. henderson i director hines i director tarloff i tarlov i director kahina i kahina i thank you. the board will now go into closed session. okay, director. now we are back. ready? thank you, secretary silva. let's see. item 15. thank you. sorry. i'm scrolling. yeah. no worries. all right. is that your part, though? yep. okay. go ahead. item 15, announcement of closed session. so the board did meet in closed session. voted to approve item three. a took no action on three b and did not hear item four. places un item number 16. motion to disclose or not disclose the information discussed in closed session. may i have a motion and a second to disclose or not disclose? move to not disclose. second secretary silva, please call the roll on the motion to not disclose. director chen. hi, jen. i director hemminger high hemminger i director henderson. henderson. i director hinsey. i director tarloff. i tarlov i director cajina. i cajina i thank you that motion passes and concludes the business bef