, the ambassador from cuba to washington is dispatched and told hemingway to get out of cuba here he says they are using the word about you in washington. the word was trader. hemingway said i am not political. this is where i write. this is where i love to be, but that focus, that use of the word , many became concerned about his finances and his vision and inability to write and he would never write again. addiction. the power of addiction lines in the grip to be able to hold the same neural circuits. whenever we encounter a stimulus eight neural-- neural response conditions us to behave in the same way over and over again. certainly true for alcohol. here is cow-- carolyn, great writer talking about the effects of capture. really focus on the queue, not in the alcohol, but her attention to the cube. i loved the sounds, the slide of the cork as it eased out of the wine bottle, the distant glug glug of booze point into a glass, the clatter of ice cubes in a tumbler. it wasn't the drink itself, it was all the cues. in fact, capture is the, i mean, certainly in addiction it is the queue-- the cues takeover. cues have no signi