hendon to achieve equal pay rates for workers. one reason for the gender gap is women have lower occupation and lower paying sectors within those occupations. for example, 86% of paralegals but only 33 percent of lawyers and 16% of partners in large firms. in academia women account for graduates but only one-quarter of full professors or presidents. in management one-third of students but not fortune 4,000 a ceo at current rates would take over to a half centuries to achieve parity in the executive suite. similarly situated women earn less than men. even after controlling for a broad range of factors of education, experience and family characteristics, much -- most persist of the gender gap around 10%. at every educational level and every occupational field women have lower earnings. even the female dishwasher's earn significantly less than males. so what accounts for that gap? to begin despite recent progress women and ethnic minorities lack of resumption of confidence accentuated by the white manpower the need to work harder to