henk: i would be very surprised. would probably be one of the few countries that would make an attempt in the future to see. first of all, you have to see what the developments are going to be with the tele-band -- the taliban in power now, so that is going to be time-consuming. it has not been an entirely wonderful experience for the chinese so far. it is very difficult to put-- s mines into production on environments like that. i would be surprised if they have room to run into afghanistan in the near future. but there is going to be an enormous shortage of rare-earth and lithium in the world, so there was always somebody at some point trying to actually develop something there, but that is going to be very difficult. dani: this is a crucial thing you right in your research, the need for lithium, the growth of the ev market. is afghanistan, at least in the medium to near term, able to contribute to this global need for lithium? can anything fill in the gap? henk: i have been in the mining industry for a long time.